[emms-help] How to remove tracks from cache?
Pierre Neidhardt
2017-12-24 16:02:11 UTC
It sounds stupid but I can't find command to do this easily.
`emms-cache-del` but it's not interactive.

Is this an oversight?
Pierre Neidhardt

Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.
-- George Santayana
Yoni Rabkin
2017-12-29 16:42:16 UTC
Post by Pierre Neidhardt
It sounds stupid but I can't find command to do this easily.
`emms-cache-del` but it's not interactive.
Is this an oversight?
I'm note sure if it is an oversight, but if you need it go ahead and add
"Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"
Pierre Neidhardt
2018-04-09 09:54:32 UTC
Done, coming with next commit.
Pierre Neidhardt