[emms-help] Emms 5.0 released
Yoni Rabkin
2018-05-01 19:00:56 UTC
(this is a copy of the release announcement sent to the gnu-info mailing list)

We are happy to announce the release of Emms 5.0.

Emms, the Emacs Multimedia System, is a robust media viewer, player, and
organizer for GNU/Emacs. I'd like to extend special thanks to all of the
new developers who have joined the project for their valuable

The release tarball is available here:

The signature is available here:

The project Website is:

The included Texinfo manual is kept up-to-date, and the online version
can be found here: https://www.gnu.org/software/emms/manual/

For more information about the project's development, please see:

5.0 highlights
- Add Org-style "TAB" binding to cycle through the different levels of expansions.
- Bind emms-browser-move-up-level to "^".
- Make "RET" (emms-add-tracks) add all tracks in region or with numeric argument
that many tracks.
- Supersede emms-browser-delete-files with emms-browser-remove-tracks to
remove tracks from browser without deleting files. Use prefix argument to
get the old behaviour. Regions and numeric argument are supported.
- Add emms-cache-reset.
- Use the "album artist" instead of the "artist" browser node by default.
- Bug fix: emms-volume-pulse multi-digit volume numbers.
- Bug fix: emms-smart-browse "cascading" from a browser search.
- Bug fix: fix fallback thumbnail filter.
- Add mpv backend support.
- Speed up info processing.
- Add Opus info support via emms-info-opusinfo.el.
- Code modernizations thanks to Pierre Neidhardt.
- Tagging mp3 files v2.x files now works via mid3v2.
- Add dynamic thumbnail caching.
- Improve emms-metaplaylist-mode.

Thank you to everyone who tested, reported and patched.
"Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"